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We currently provide RNAalishapes in two ways
  1. As a pre-compiled Debian package via Ubuntus launchpad system, a Ubuntu Personal Package Archive (PPA)
    On your command line, execute the three following commands
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bibi-help/bibitools
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install rnaalishapes
  2. As Bellman's GAP sources.
    • Make sure you have installed a running version of Bellman's GAP compiler.
    • Download the Fold-Grammars repository, a broad collection of RNA folding algorithms, written in Bellman's GAP also containing sources for RNAalishapes.
    • Un-tar the repository, change into the Misc/Applications/RNAalishapes directory and execute the make file via the three following commands:
      tar xzvf fold-grammars.tgz
      cd fold-grammars/Misc/Applications/RNAalishapes
      make all

The BiBiServ team does not provide any support for compiling or using a tool from the download section. Please contact the author directly in case of any problem.