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Authors: W. Gerlach, R. Giegerich

RNA secondary structure analysis often requires searching for potential helices in large sequence data. We present a utility program that efficiently locates potential helical regions under RNA base pairing rules, which include Watson-Crick as well as G-U pairs. It accepts a target and a query set of sequences, and determines all exact matches under RNA rules between target and query sequences that exceed a specified length.

If you need to create larger output than we permit for online use, or want to incorporate into your own pipeline, please download the program from the BiBiServ download department.

Users of GUUGle are requested to cite :
Gerlach, W. and Giegerich, R. GUUGle: A utility for fast exact matching under RNA base pairing rules, Bioinformatics, 2006
built on June 25 2015 (4:8bb4634696f5)