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Previous Version
Previous Version
This page is about the previous version of Gecko developed by Thomas Schmidt. Gecko logo

Gecko is a tool for a systematic and efficient detection of gene clusters in multiple prokaryotic genomes. It is based on a formal model for gene clusters and is accompanied by an efficient algorithms locating them. Gecko also provides an interactive visualization of detected clusters and therefore supports the analysis of the functional role of genes located in such clusters.


The previous version of Gecko (1.x) is available on the downloadpage.

Example data files

ghostFamOutStandard.cog: This file is an input sequence file for Gecko containing 5 genomes. The classification of the genes to their families of homologs was done with GhostFam using the standard parameters.

cog_data.zip: The file in this archive contains an input sequence file for Gecko with 43 genomes. The classification of the genes to their families of homologs is taken from the COG database.