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seq_nav_dist.png Databases Data Formats Genome Browser Alignments Database Search RNA Secondary Structure Webservices Literature
Bielefeld University Center of Biotechnoloy Institute of Bioinformatics BiBiServ
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A Web-based practical course developed by the BiBiServ department of CeBiTec.
About "Sequence Analysis with Distributed Resources"
This course was developed in 2005 as a replacement for the course developed by Chris Schleiermacher and Chris Büschking which was presented as a tutorial at ISMB 2000.
The course "Sequenzanalysepraktikum"(or in english "Sequence Analysis with Distributed Resources") is part of the Curricula of the Bioinformatics and Genome Research (B.Sc.) and the Applied Computer Science in the Natural Sciences (Diploma) programs.
Initiator of this course was Alexander Sczyrba. He contributed as well the content for the chapters "Databases", "Data Formats", "Genome Browser", "Alignments" and "Database Search". Jens Reeder wrote the text for "RNA Secondary Structure". Jan Krüger and Henning Mersch are responsible for the chapter "Webservices". Susanne Konermann worked for layout and design of this website.
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